Other Projects

PC software isn't the only thing RAX develops. There's also been a few extensions for existing software as well as web applications developed over the years here. Take a look below and try them out. All of them are currently free.

Acmine Minecraft

Acmine is a 1.7.10 Minecraft server (1.12.2 coming soon!) with a focus on the design, maintenance, and operation of over-complicated and failure-prone machinery to achieve what should be simple tasks like farming, cooking, and electricity distribution. Do you like rube-goldberg machines? Do you like coding? Do you like magic? If you said yes to any of these, you’ll love Acmine! Acmine includes some of the top content for Minecraft such as IndustrialCraft, Railcraft, BuildCraft, Thaumcraft, ComputerCraft, Minefactory Reloaded, Thermal Expansion, and Project Red, along with an array of smaller supplement mods that can make your inventions even more ridiculous.

Check out the website

iGen - The Dynamic Image Tool

Do you belong to a forum or use social media? If so, this little web program might be interesting. It allows you to create images that change every time they're loaded!

Imagine your Twitter feed showing in your forum signature or a countdown timer to your birthday being displayed on your Facebook page.

It's a beta project that's in desperate need of a new user interface. If you want to help out, find a bug, have an idea, or just want to comment, send some email! I love to hear from users. Send email to support@raxsoft.com

Try it out!